A roller coaster of investigation and wisdom. This is how I would describe my experience writing these last weeks for this blog.
When the university started and the project came out I felt happy to be in a place that I never expected to be in my life since I never imagined that I was going to write about such a beautiful subject as feminism and women.
Feminism and I have been connected in many circumstances. When I lived in Ecuador I really liked going to certain feminist protests to learn about the experience and take pictures. When the blog started it was exciting because it was never a topic that was fully present in my life so every week was weeks of research and reading to write interesting articles for the blog.

The fact that this is the last post on my part made me sad because for something to become a routine in your life you must do something for 21 days and that's how it was, this blog became a very cool routine. Thanks to this project, I have sought to consume movies and books that are produced by women, in order to delve deeper into this beautiful world called feminism.

Below I attach my post: