In the media, feminism is a popular subject. But what about feminism in less developed countries? As a Venezuelan that moved to the Dominican Republic six years ago, I have experienced these acts of sexism hands-on. In the Dominican Republic, 357 women have been murdered in the last two years due to female homicides. Not only does the Dominican Republic struggle with women’s rights, but it also has a hard time spreading this knowledge.

The Dominican Republic lives under the outdated mentality in which women have to be below men. This issue is viewed in all areas: at work with unfair wages, on the street with cat-calls, or with deaths and rape due to gender abuse. This fact also contributes to the spread of information, since women are kept in the dark, especially those in poverty. Public schools do not teach women that they can use protection to avoid getting pregnant or that they have the right to say no.

Due to these factors, feminism in the Dominican Republic is being worked on little by little to guarantee growth. Many Dominican women have come together to transform the lives of women and the entire country.
