Nowadays we are exposed to way too many sources of information that may confuse us.
But here I am, to provide you my favourite books, accounts or web pages about feminism. Each of them has inspired me in its own way. I hope it helps you in the path of learning and evolving.
Definitely my biggest source of inspiration. She describes herself as a poet, an artist, a performer. She has self-published two books that have been NYT bestsellers as soon as they were launched. And she is about to publish the third one. Her style, depth, her way to explain feminity and women empowerment. It just hits different.

Her blog contains unique photoshoots, merchandaise and additional information about her work.
I first read her when I was 15 years old and it was a landmark in my path of becoming feminist. I ensure Rupi will unearth you a new conception of the world you had never seen before.
2. @freeda_es
"Behind a great woman there are always other great women" that is their motto.
An account promoting gender equality and enlightenment for new feminists.
Some of their posts are hilarious.
What I love most about these source is their appealing profile. How they manage to engage users attention by their feed. Because once you have clicked one of their posts, you won't leave.
3. @devermut
Marta y Sara, two young girls from Barcelona, have revolutioned how feminism is seen in Spain since the day they opened their Instagram account.
This source might be the most instructive of the ones I have mentioned.
Not only do they voice realities who are usually muted by society, but also tackle eye-opening themes that will make you learn lots of new things.
They research about different topics in order to educate their followers. Some of their posts are really illustrating and overwhelming.